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Coaching Led Leadership



To create a learning & performance culture requires a collective effort from all leaders and managers.  How they show up as individuals will influence the leadership culture of the organisation.  This one-day module has a role modelling focus for all leaders and managers, providing them with an opportunity to improve their ability to influence, empower and drive change, to create the conditions for success across the whole organisation.




To develop a learning & performance culture that is cohesive, enables staff to take accountability and perform at their best. To enable that, you need leaders that are values led, confident, inspiring and authentic.


Behavioural Outcomes:

At the end of CLP, individuals will be able to:


•   Understand the context EN is operating in and aware of how they need to lead in the system in which they operate

•   Role model authentic values-driven compassionate leadership

•   Start to shape an ongoing learning & performance culture

•   Show up with improved authority, presence and impact

•   Confidently lead themselves and others through change

•   Champion EN coaching and performance as a style in meetings, communications, engagement with customers etc

•   Understand how to operate with freedom within a framework creating an environment where people don’t need to be told what to do and can find their own answers

•   Understand other business areas and form wider connections across EN

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